JFormDesigner v3.1.3 LINUX REPACK 英文正式版(Java Swing的圖形用戶界面/GUI設計器材軟體)

商品名稱: JFormDesigner v3.1.3 LINUX REPACK

商品分類: Linux系統專用軟體

商品類型: Java Swing的圖形用戶界面/GUI設計器材軟體

語系版本: 英文正式版

運行平台: LINUX (以民間網站為準)

更新日期: 2008-04-11

熱門標籤: GUI設計器材軟體 


JFormDesigner.jar from crack to the lib directory in the

installation directory. Unzip JFormDesigner.license into the root

directory, i.e. C:\Program Files\JFormDesigner

When asked for a license file, point it to JFormDesigner.license.


JFormDesigner是一個創新型Java Swing的圖形用戶界面/GUI設計器材。它或者讓GUI設計變

得快樂而輕鬆,使您能專注於真正的任務,它對JGoodies FormLayout等的精采支援,或者

讓您在短時間裡寫出具有專業外觀的窗體。它高效高產,聽從強大。含Eclipse 和IntelliJ



FormDesigner makes Swing GUI design a real pleasure. It decreases

the time you spend on hand coding forms, giving you more time to

focus on the real tasks. You'll find that JFormDesigner quickly pays

back its cost in improved GUI quality and increased developer


Easy and intuitive to use, powerful and productive: JFormDesigner

provides an easy-to-use but powerful user interface. Even

non-programmers can use it, which makes it also ideal for


NEW IDE plug-ins and stand-alone application: JFormDesigner is

available as IDE plug-ins for Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA and as

stand-alone application. Plug-ins for JBuilder, JDeveloper and

NetBeans are under development.

JGoodies FormLayout and Clearthought's TableLayout support: These

well-known open source layout managers allow you to design high

quality forms. JFormDesigner provides excellent support for them.

Advanced GridBagLayout support allows the specification of

horizontal and vertical gaps (as in TableLayout). This makes it

very easy to design forms with consistent gaps using GridBagLayout.

No longer wrestling with GridBagConstraints.insets.

Column and row headers (for grid based layout managers) show the

structure of the layout (including column/row indices, alignment,

growing, grouping) and allow you to insert or delete columns/rows

and change column/row properties. It's also possible to drag and

drop columns/rows (incl. contained components and gaps). This

allows you to swap columns or move rows in seconds.

Localization support: Localizing forms using properties files has

never been easier. Specify a resource bundle name and a prefix for

keys when creating a new form and then forget about it.

JFormDesigner automatically puts all strings into the specified

resource bundle (auto-externalizing).

Java code generator or runtime library: Either let JFormDesigner

generate Java source code for your forms (the default) or use the

royalty-free runtime library to load JFormDesigner XML files at

runtime. Your choice.

Generation of nested classes: The Java code generator is able to

generate and update nested classes. You can specify a class name

for each component in your form. This allows you to organize your

source code in an object-oriented way.


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ActiveState Komodo IDE v4.4.0.20211 for Linux libcpp5 英文正式版(編程開發器材軟體)

Intel Cryptography for Integrated Performance Primitives v5.3.2.068 LINUX ITANIUM 英文正式版(密碼學函數庫軟體)

MASSIVE PRIME V3.0.3 LINUX 英文正式版(定制自發運動動畫角色的創造、操持、渲染和各種可視造詣的軟體)


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