BlitzMax v1.26 Linux 英文正式版(遊戲開發語言軟體)

商品名稱: BlitzMax v1.26 Linux

商品分類: Linux系統專用軟體

商品類型: 遊戲開發語言軟體

語系版本: 英文正式版

運行平台: LINUX (以民間網站為準)

更新日期: 2007-11-23

熱門標籤: 遊戲開發語言軟體 


Blitz Reseach 核心發佈的下一代遊戲開發語言。它除連結了Blitz3D和BlitzPlus的要點部

分以外,存在許多新特點。如函數指針、全動態數組、繼承和多態、 UTF16 字串聲援、訪



就像平時文件一樣繁雜、多種數值類型聲援(byte,short,int,long,float, double)等等。



BlitzMax is the new, next generation game

programming language from Blitz Research. BlitzMax

retains the BASIC roots of Blitz3D and BlitzPlus,

but adds a ton of cool new features and abilities.

Enhanced BASIC language

BlitzMax is BASIC...but with a few twists,


Function pointers

Fully dynamic arrays

Inheritance and polymorphism

'By reference' function parameters

Byte, Short, Int, Long, Float and Double numeric

data types

Array and string slicing

Flexible 'collection' system for dealing with

linked lists etc

Low level pointer handling

UTF16 strings

The ability to 'Incbin' binary data and access it

as easily as if it were a regular file

External language support for interfacing with

C/C++/ObjectiveC or assembly code

Multiplatform support

BlitzMax has been designed from the ground up for

multiplatform support, and BlitzMax programs can be

compiled for Windows, MacOS X and Linux. The

BlitzMax license is 'all in one' - buy BlitzMax

once and run your programs on all three platforms!

Modular design

BlitzMax is largely based around the idea of

modules, collections of commands stored in special

files. You can add your own modules to the system,

allowing you to cleanly reuse code in your own

projects. Modules are also a great way to

distribute libraries of commands, and Blitz

Research have many weird and wonderful modules

lined up for future release!

Easy to use 2D command set

BlitzMax includes the Max2D module which contains a

set of very easy to use 2D commands. On MacOS X and

Linux, Max2D uses the OpenGL API, while on Windows

PCs you have the option of using either the OpenGL

or DirectX APIs. Both OpenGL and DirectX use 3D

hardware to draw graphics to the screen, allowing

for advanced effects such as realtime blending,

rotation and scaling.

Intelligent build system

BlitzMax allows you to split a project up into

multiple source files which can be pre-compiled to

massively reduce development time. This process is

handled automatically by the included BMK ('Blitz

make') utility and is completely transparent to the


IDE and Debugger

The BlitzMax package includes an 'integrated

development environment' (IDE), which is used to

enter your programs, and a debugger for tracking

down bugs.

Direct OpenGL support

Thanks to the OpenGL module, you can use BlitzMax

for direct OpenGL programming. Writing an OpenGL

program is now as simple as:

GLGraphics 640,480

While Not KeyHit( KEY_ESCAPE )



glVertex2i 0,1

glVertex2i 1,-1

glVertex2i -1,-1




In addition, a module based on the popular 'Glew'

library provides support for all OpenGL extensions.

Tons of source code included

Most BlitzMax modules are written in...BlitzMax!

When you buy BlitzMax, you will receive the source

code to all the BlitzMax modules, allowing advanced

users the opportunity to enhance the BlitzMax

system, or tweak it for their own needs.


RTI Data Distribution Service v4.4c Linux with GCC 3.4.3 英文正式版(通訊的中介程式軟體)

Intel C Plus Plus Compiler v10.1.013 LINUX 英文正式版(英特爾 C++ 編譯器 軟體)

MONyog v3.6.5.1 Linux 英文正式版(SQL監視和建議東西軟體)

Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector v7.1.024 LINUX ITANIUM 英文正式版(開發跟蹤賞析系統軟體)

Rainlendar Pro v2.5 Linux 英文正式版(桌面日曆軟體)


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