Fintronic Super Finsim v9.2.9 LINUX 英文正式版(線性FinSim Verilog仿真器軟體)

商品名稱: Fintronic Super Finsim v9.2.9 LINUX

商品分類: Linux系統專用軟體

商品類型: 線性FinSim Verilog仿真器軟體

語系版本: 英文正式版

運行平台: LINUX (以官方網站為準)

更新日期: 2007-11-29

熱門標籤: Verilog仿真器軟體 


1) Install application, make sure to toggle the NO DONGLE option.

2) copy our supplied license.dat from /Lz0 to program dir(ie ...\FinSim\bin\cl)

3) You MUST add the full path to the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment AND

create FINTRON_LICENSE_FILE environment variable also with full path to license file(ie ...\FinSim\bin\cl),

also same with FINTRONIC env. variable. all three must contain full path including license.dat filename!


Super-FinSim是頂級的線性FinSim Verilog仿真器,從1993年放出第一款FinSim Verilog

仿真器至今,FinSim Verilog已經引入了許多嶄新的服從:混合編譯和解釋型仿真,仿真




Super-FinSim is the top of the line FinSim Verilog

simulator. Ever since the first FinSim Verilog simulator has

been sold in 1993, the FinSim Verilog simulators have

introduced many new features that have become state of the

art in Verilog simulation: mixed Compiled and Interpreted

simulation, simulation Farm that allows one engineer to

manage hundreds of simultaneous simulations, separate and

incremental compilation, high performance save and restart,

direct integration with C code without the need for PLI,

etc. Super FinSim supports the entire Verilog standard IEEE

1364-1995 and many features of IEEE 1364-2001, which are

listed under Support for Verilog 2001. It's support includes

SDF, VCD, PLI, as well as excellent integration with other

tools such as a tight integration via API (for better

performance than PLI integration) with Debussy and Verdi

debug environments from Novas Software, and excellent PLI

integrations with Specman from Verisity and Vera from

Synopsys for test benches, MMAV from Denali for memory

models, Undertow from Veritools for debug environment,

HDLScore from Summit Design for code coverage, and

others. In the DA Solution Limited `96 benchmark, the

predecessor of Super-FinSim, FinSim-ECS, was rated the

fastest Verilog simulator. FinSim was rated the fastest

PC-based Verilog simulator in the ASIC & EDA

benchmark. Super-FinSim runs on all popular platforms

including Sun Solaris 32 and 64 bit, Linux 32 bit from all

providers, Linux 64 bit from Madrake or SuSE, Windows

NT/2000, Windows 95/98/ME, and XP.


Fintronic Super FinSim v9.3.8 LINUX 英文正式版(線性FinSim Verilog仿真器軟體)

Fintronic Super Finsim v9.2.8 LINUX 英文正式版(線性FinSim Verilog仿真器軟體)

Fintronic Super FinSim v10.0.03 LINUX 英文正式版(FinSim Verilog仿真軟體)

Fintronic Super FinSim v9.3.51 LINUX 英文正式版(線性FinSim Verilog仿真器軟體)

Fintronic Super FinSim v10.0.03 LINUX 英文正式版(FinSim Verilog 仿真軟體)


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