大盜襲擊東京 Mob Ties Tokyo 英文正式版(DVD版)

商品名稱: 大盜襲擊東京 Mob Ties Tokyo

商品分類: DVD電腦遊戲

語系版本: 英文正式版

運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7

更新日期: 2010-03-01

熱門標籤: 大盜襲擊東京 


喜歡小成本遊戲的玩家沒準聽過梗概玩過《大盜襲擊東京》(Mob Ties: Tokyo),這款遊戲的畫


此中的緣故啓事了。   現在這兩位開發者又辦理開發「大盜襲擊」系列的第二部作品,襲擊東京

之後,大盜來到了莫斯科……這款新作叫做《大盜襲擊莫斯科》(Mob Ties: Moscow),如故是

小成本君子力的作品。   開發者之一的Chance暗示:「自從3月初我們放出《大盜襲擊東京》



Things have changed for the old school mafia, cartel and syndicate

organizations. Those with money are trying to make more. Going legit is

the best way. But with ties to street gangs & druglords trying to keep

the organizations in the past, change is not easy. Severing those ties

takes the skill of a professional. The bosses, now businessmen, call in

the best.

...Takuma Ishikawa, a wealthy Japanese businessman has broken his ties

with the Tokyo underground and is now being extorted and threatened by

a triad of street gangs. Each with their own intentions, the gangs have

moved into Ishakawa抯 nightclub business, using the clubs as a stage to

expand their illegal activities and drug trade. Ishakawa has called on

you to deal with the gangs and help his transition to legitimacy


...Born with connections to the world抯 most powerful mob lords, you抳e

learned from the best of the old and the new. Though the technologies

have changed, the outcome remains the same, blood and profit. Hitman or

vigilante, your loyalties lie with the highest bidder. 揂nywhere at any

time?is your motto and this time, it's Tokyo.


Mob Ties Tokyo 英文正式版(大盜襲擊東京遊戲軟體)(DVD版)

劫難 困獸 The Suffering Ties That Bind 英文正式版(3CD)(破解檔安頓於CRACK夾內)

The Suffering Ties That Bind 英文映像版(DVD版)(請看安裝說明)

北方傳奇 3:王朝的束縛 Konung III Ties of the Dynasty 英文正式版(角色飾演遊戲軟體)(DVD版)

江湖風雲 Mob_Enforcer 英文版


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